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Texture Packs

These are all the texture packs I am playing around with.  Either I downloaded them to use in other packs or they are packs I have put together.  One problem, they come from DropBox.  So if you hate DB, sorry.  Ask me to email a pack to you. Look to the bottom of this page for the link.

  • Realms10music is an HD Resource Pack with very detailed features.  It holds to the traditional RC while bringing in fresh and strong textures as well as new sounds.  This is the prefered pack to use.  EDIT:  We are still working out a few minor bugs.  I check the date of upload and use the most up to date Realms10music resource pack available. 

  • Realmscraft9 is a  pack is based on the actively updated Game of Thrones texture pack. 

  • Dagger packs are based on OVO's Rustic and later the Rhiasa pack.

  • Realms/Fury is a high level pack with great texturing for the sky, water, and mobs.  I prefer this one. 

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